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topic 14
27.04.2012, 22:02
It goes without saying that mass media has
become part and parcel of any contemporary
society. The press, the radio and television play
a very important part in the life of the society. They
inform t educate 2nd entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world ami plalre them
change their views. As sociologist say news is not
what happens, it is what you see of read about in mass
media. In other words, mass media plays a very impor-
tant role in moulding public opinion.
Millions of people watch TV and read newspapers
in their spare time. The daily gaper dominate family
life at breakfast. Most of people can't do without
a newspaper in the underground or during the lunch
break. Say, my family subscribes to Izvestiya and Kom-
somolka, because they are informative, inferring and
objective. Pretty often I buy ... at the newsstands, as
I'm interested in ... . .
resist The radio is turned on most 0! tne time, creating
a permanent background noise. In fact it does not
interfere with your activities- I can easily listen to the
radio whiie doing Maths, peeling potatoes or doing the
washing up.
Generally Tm not very keen on politics, but I do
watch newsKHff various comm_entarv and dls-ttss-
^^ ^Bfed:"^p^^" j Mw\ several authofities
"exchange views on social, ecpnprnic and political prob-
lems, as weil'as ohbdOfts^^jfi'S^ M^St- A nuniber
of sides- is represented :8& 'tetfthe listeners or the
viewers mxM hear vari'bus opinions. In fact such
broadcasts "are •ve'rF'g^uTp'wtli the Russian audi-
ence, as pebple are afel'e. tb'see their leaders, deputies
and presidents.
Various sacfio and TY games, such as a panel
game of a quit programme-also attract a large au-
dience. During a radio panel-game people send q ues-
tions to the .studio to be answered by the members
of the panel, -who compete for the best results. !
personally ^dotg watching "Braiti Ring," because i
do believe thM quick-minded intellectuals should be
able to earn proper money. Besides, it's both exciting
and educative.
It's nq secret that some of the TV and radio sta-
tions are owned by big corporations, thus the owners
can advertise whatever they choose. Very eiten the
firms and joint ventures sponsor shows and programmes,
thus giving common people a good chance to make
a fortune or to win a valuable prize.
new inventions and technologies beccjrie popular and
well known with the help of mass media. So mass
media promotes quality and progress into our every
day life.
Of course advertising promotes business and ben-
efits businessmen. However it annoys tie general public.
The play you are watching on TV rrii^be interrupted
several tipnes by -an appeal 4o Use a pew perfume or
detergent, or drink a certatobeer. An I though we are
used to eyerythirig: being advertised hatching such
programmes gives one a headache ins :ead of providing
T would say that it's a great pi y* that such im-
mense cultural possibilities of l&s^MtfiaSs media are
ui&d d&nly lot the purpose, of sfelliip tridre thtrfgs.v.
Same critics declare that a4vertising ^lo\vs gr&at com-
mercial, fens to gull^ the. rest of tfaa people down to
their owd ilitelleciiiat level.
However it wtittldn't be fair q say that our
mass me.dia do not try to raise thejmiltural level of
the people or to develop their affeptic taste. I'm
generally too short 61 time to attend an exhibition
or Id goto the theatre, but 1 watch? play or a ballet
on TV with great pleasure. Thus pass media can
save us a lot of time, money and! elforts, keeping
people aware of what is happening in the world
around us.
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